Life in the ScholarsArchive office has been especially busy as we’ve migrated much of our content from CONTENTdm to Digital Commons. Since migration began in July 2014, we have received incredible visibility to BYU scholarly works. Below are some highlights from the 2014 end-of-year statistics.
Total Number of Faculty Papers in Scholars Archive: 1,412
Total Downloads: 5,204
Ratio of downloads to each paper: 4:1
Total number of Theses and Dissertations: 4,293
Total Downloads: 71,113
Ratio of downloads to each paper: 17:1
College level statistics:
- Most papers (faculty papers and theses/dissertations): Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering, 1,464
- Greatest number of downloads (faculty papers and theses/dissertations): Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering, 23,822
- 2nd: Humanities, 13,222
- 3rd: Physical and Mathematical Sciences, 11,792
- Highest ratio of downloads to number of papers (faculty papers and theses/dissertations): Humanities, 24:1
- 2nd highest ratio: Fine Arts and Communications, 22:1
- 3rd highest ratio: (tie) Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering and Technology, Marriott School of Management; 16:1
Department Level Statistics:
- Most papers (theses/dissertations): Mechanical Engineering, 391
- Greatest number of downloads: Electrical and Computer Engineering (theses/dissertations), 10,633
- 2nd: Mechanical Engineering (theses/dissertations), 4,830
- 3rd: English (theses/dissertations), 3,821
- Highest ratio of downloads to number of papers: Electrical and Computer Engineering (theses/dissertations), 40:1
- 2nd highest ratio: Physics and Astronomy(theses/dissertations), 36:1
- 3rd highest ratio: Humanities, Classics, and Comparative Literature(theses/dissertations), 34:1
If you have more questions or would like to know how your college or department fared (or faculty papers vs. theses and dissertations), contact Mandy Oscarson at