Understanding what is required of you when receiving a grant or other funding.
Several funding entities place constraints on researchers concerning how results of funded research are managed and communicated to the public. These are important to consider when planning a project and determining where and how to publish research outputs. While funder requirements vary, many require researchers to submit data management plans; others govern open access publishing. Further information about data management plans can be found here; more discussion on Open Access.
Tools to determine requirements and create data management plans
Open platform for pre-registering research, managing research products, and facilitating collaboration: Open Science Framework (OSF): https://osf.io/?view_only=
Funder open access requirements and links to funder policies
Open Policy Finder: https://openpolicyfinder.jisc.ac.uk (private and government funding agencies, European agencies more heavily represented)
Consider the following when determining how to satisfy funder requirements to provide public availability of research results
Publishing article in an open access journal (see https://doaj.org/) Posting author-accepted version of article in an open institutional repository (https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/) Posting author-accepted version of article on a public website maintained by the author Posting of author-accepted version and intermediate research products on a preprint server: