Submitting to BYU's ScholarArchive Skip to main content

Submitting to BYU's ScholarArchive

Here is a quick how-to video. Or, you’ll find easy steps to upload your work to BYU’s ScholarsArchive below.
If you have any questions, please contact or

  1. Go to
  2. Click on “Submit Research”
  3. Select the appropriate collection to submit your paper to (please see our Terms of Use page for a complete listing of accepted works). For instructions on submitting theses and dissertations, please visit the Theses and Dissertations FAQs page.
  4. Login to your account using your email address. If you don’t have an account, click on “Sign Up”. Read our How To guide for instructions on creating an account.
  5. Please carefully read the submission agreement, check the box at the bottom to agree, and click continue.
  6. Fill in as much information as possible.
    1. Please fill in all required fields
    2. To edit an author, click on the person with a pencil icon to the right of their name. To delete an author, click on the person with an x.
    3. To add an author, click on the green plus box.
    4. Html codes are not needed in any of the fields except in the abstract field, if desired, to indicate a paragraph (i.e. <p> or <br>).
    5. Note that the Department drop-down menu is not divided by college, but rather alphabetized by department. Please scroll through the list until you find the applicable department.
    6. If you need to place an embargo on your article, please email stating when the embargo can be lifted. We will set up the automatic embargo so that viewers can see the information about your article (title, author, abstract, etc.), but can’t download it until the embargo expires.
    7. If you have supplemental files (e.g. Excel spreadsheet, music or video files), please check the box and you will be asked on the next screen to select files for upload.
    8. If you have documentation from a publisher granting you permission to upload to ScholarsArchive, you can upload that document as a supplemental file. On the following screen make sure the “show” box in unchecked. This will make the document accessible by the repository administrator and you only.
  7. Click Submit
  8. The next screen will show that you have successfully uploaded your paper and will ask if you would like to revise the submission or make another submission.
  9. To later check the status of your submission, login to your account or click My Account from the ScholarsArchive homepage, and look towards the bottom for a status update.
    1. Please allow sufficient time for your submission to process – usually 1-2 business days.